
Kakvu buku proizvodi vatrogasno vozilo?
Zašto vatrogasno vozilo proizvodi buku? Što je to? Zračne trube koriste zrak pod tlakom za vibriranje unutarnje dijafragme. To stvara stvarnu buku, a ...
Najbolji alat za gašenje manjeg požara na benzin ili dizel?
Koji je najbolji alat za gašenje manjeg požara na benzin ili dizel? najbolji alat za gašenje manjeg požara na benzin ili dizel je prijenosni aparat za...
Why do cars catch fire?
Why do cars catch fire suddenly? A car might catch fire in case of a collision, leakage of fuel, tyre burst or electrical failure. The reason might be...
Što se događa kada vam se auto počne dimiti i zapaliti?
Što učiniti ako se vaše vozilo zapali? Zaustavite auto i isključite kontakt. Izvucite sve osobe iz automobila i ne dopustite nikome da se vrati po oso...
What do you do if your vehicle catches on fire?
Does insurance cover burnt car? Yes, car insurance covers fire damage if the policy includes comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage pays to re...
Where do fire trucks get water?
Where does the water from fire trucks come from? The primary function of any pumper/tanker fire engine is to carry water in a water tank or suck water...
What color is a fire truck?
What color is a firetruck? Fire engine red is an informal term used to describe a very bright, very visible shade of red commonly used on emergency ve...
How would I go about burning a car I am making a music video and want to know things to consider such as safety starting the fire controlling it etc?
How do you burn a car safely? The easiest way to torch a car would be to crack open a window, douse the interior with lighter fluid, and toss in a mat...
What is the best tool to put out a small gasoline or diesel fire?
What is the best tool to extinguish a small gasoline fire? Class B fires involve flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, oil-base...
Does your liaility insurance cover you if your car catches on fire?
Is a car fire covered by liability insurance? Yes, car insurance covers fire damage if the policy includes comprehensive coverage. ... Liability insur...
What type of extinguisher to put out a petrol fire?
What type of fire extinguisher must be kept on the petrol forecourt? The most suitable type of extinguisher for petrol station forecourts is the ABC P...
What colors do fire trucks come in?
What do the different colors of fire trucks mean? The brightest, lightest and most visible colors, which are lime-green, lime-yellow and yellow, are a...