
What are some things that come in fives?
What comes in groups of 6s? A group of six has been considered the best number for bagels, eggs, pastries, or other items usually sold in half a dozen...
What is another name for a group of trucks?
What do you call a group of trucks? A convoy is a group of vehicles or ships traveling together. ... ... convoy carrying food and medical supplies. Wh...
What comes in groups of 9's?
What things come in group of 9? Many things come in a group of 9 — the squares on a tic-tac-toe grid, the balls in a nine-ball pool game. In addition,...
What do you call a group of vehicles?
What do you call a bunch of cars driving together? collective-nouns. For rental agencies and companies, the cars owned would be a fleet. Several cars ...
Skupina vozila koja putuju zajedno?
Kako se zove skupina vozila koja putuju zajedno? Konvoj je skupina vozila ili brodova koji putuju zajedno. Kako zovete sva vozila? flota. imenica. sku...
Što se podrazumijeva pod brojevima grupa baterija?
Koja je razlika između baterije grupe 24 i baterije grupe 27? Ako usporedite bateriju grupe 24 i bateriju grupe 27 dubokog ciklusa zajedno, primijetit...
Grupa automobila ili flota automobila?
Kako se zove flota automobila? konvoj. imenica. skupina vozila ili brodova koji putuju zajedno, često s drugim vozilima ili brodovima koji im pružaju ...