
Left lanes on some interstate roads are reserved for car pool vehicles with two or more occupants in the car - watch for signs in the median?
What is the left lane on the interstate called? As a result, heavy trucks are often prohibited from using the passing lane. The left lane is commonly ...
Are hybrid cars allowed in the new york HOV lanes?
Can hybrid cars drive in the HOV lane New York? 24 - Hybrid-power cars will be allowed to use high-occupancy-vehicle lanes on the Long Island Expressw...
Is Improper Lane Use considered a moving violation?
Which is an example of a moving violation? A moving violation occurs whenever a traffic law is violated by a vehicle in motion. Some examples of movin...
Can two cars fit in one lane of traffic?
Can two cars be in the same lane? When two cars attempt to merge into the same lane at the same time, the drivers may share responsibility for the acc...
Can you pass on a one lane road?
Can you overtake single-lane? Do not overtake turning vehicle These vehicles may use more than one lane when turning right or left. When a vehicle dis...
Should you use lane position 1 when you cannot see oncoming vehicles on mountain curves?
What lane position is generally best for approaching a curve? Motorists must be prepared to adjust their lane position several times while driving thr...
When approaching a bridge on a two lane road what should you do?
When you are passing on a two lane road? If you are on a two lane road pass only in the left. It is dangerous and usually illegal to pass on the right...
Tko bi trebao poštivati ​​disciplinu na stazi?
Što je disciplina trake na cesti? Disciplina na traku je kada vozač nenamjerno pređe na sljedeću traku i ne vozi unutar bijelih oznaka na cesti. ... L...
Događa li se više nesreća u sporoj ili brzoj traci?
U kojoj se traci događa najviše nesreća? Nesreće sa smrtnim ishodom zapravo će se češće dogoditi na cestama s dva traka. Više od polovice svih nesreća...
Na jednosmjernoj ulici koje je boje oznaka slomljene trake?
Koje je boje oznaka slomljene trake? Pune žute linije označavaju središte ceste koja se koristi za dvosmjerni promet. Prekinute žute linije označavaju...
Can you park your car on a bicycle lane?
Can I park my car in a cycle lane? Therefore, unfortunately, parking is legal in many cycle lanes, except at the times prohibited on the nearby signs....
How do you know when an unmarked roadway that is wide enough for two lanes of traffic is a single lane or two-lane roadway?
What is the standard width of a 2-lane road? The standard width for a two lane road is 24 feet. This was based on historical vehicle widths and reason...