
How can YOUteach people that pollution is bad for the environment?
How do you explain pollution to a child? Pollution is when gases, smoke and chemicals are introduced into the environment in large doses that makes it...
What are other ways of running cars that won't hurt the atmosphere?
How can we reduce carbon emissions from cars? The most effective approach to reducing GHG emissions by private cars and road transport should involve ...
What polutes your air?
What things pollute the air? Human air pollution is caused by things such as factories, power plants, cars, airplanes, chemicals, fumes from spray can...
How would a car that does not cause pollution work?
Do all cars cause pollution? Vehicles, Air Pollution, and Human Health Cars and trucks are one of the leading causes of air pollution—but cleaner vehi...
Why can driving a car be harmful to the atmosphere?
How do driving cars affect the atmosphere? The transport sector burns most of the world's petroleum and is one of the largest sources of global greenh...
What is the main reson of pollutin?
What are the three main reason of pollution? For instance, deforestation, burning of bushes, dumping of agricultural and household wastes in water bod...
How do cars hurt the environment?
How does a car harm the environment? Vehicles produce other emissions, such as volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ), carbon monoxide ( CO ) and oxides ...
What are two reasons for not running near busy highways?
Is it bad to run on a busy road? But while running, you're probably taking in a lot of air through your mouth, so those pollutants don't get filtered ...
What is the negative effect of car?
Why cars are bad for the environment? Toxic substances such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are emitted when fuels such as gasoline and diesel o...
How can you stop cars and busses from poluting the air?
How can public transport reduce air pollution? Public transportation inherently benefits the environment because it reduces the number of people drivi...
Kako automobili zagađuju okoliš?
Zagađuje li vožnja automobilom okoliš? Tipično putničko vozilo emitira oko 4.6 metričkih tona ugljičnog dioksida godišnje. Ovo pretpostavlja da prosje...
Što zagađuje zrak?
Kojih je 7 glavnih zagađivača zraka? Kada govorimo o kvaliteti zraka, obično mislimo na razine različitih onečišćujućih tvari u našem zraku. Glavni za...