
Which brand-name for premium gasoline should you use for a car that is a V6 and not a performance V8?
What kind of gas does a V6 engine use? for the V6, you just use regular. Some people use premium in it because they say it runs better or better for t...
What is Best gas to use for automobile?
Which gas is better 87 89 or 93? Regular gas is rated at 87 octane in most states, while premium gas is often rated higher at 91 or 93. ... Essentiall...
Možete li promijeniti bezolovni benzin u vrhunski benzin u vios 1.3e?
Koji je najbolji benzin za Toyotu Vios? Moderni motori opremljeni su senzorima koji se mogu pobrinuti za predpaljenje i minimizirati štetu, ali još uv...
Mogu li automobili s kompresorom raditi na običan plin?
Morate li staviti vrhunski plin u kompresor? Supercharged je rekao Da, MORATE raditi najmanje 91 oktan. Kakav plin koristi kompresor? automobili s kom...
Koliki postotak Amerikanaca koristi običan benzin u svojim automobilima?
Koliki postotak ljudi koristi vrhunski plin? Istraživanje AAA otkrilo je da sedamdeset posto Amerikanaca vozi automobile kojima je potreban samo običa...
Trebam li premium plin na turbo autima?
Je li u redu koristiti običan plin u turbo motoru? Izvorni odgovor Možete li staviti običan plin u turbo motor? Da, ali motori s turbopunjačem rade s ...
Da li je potrebno koristiti Super plin?
Trebam li super plin? U obavijesti za potrošače, Federal Trade Commission bilježi „U većini slučajeva, korištenje benzina s većim oktanom nego što je ...
What is high Grade fuel?
Is it bad to use higher grade fuel? In a consumer notice, the Federal Trade Commission, notes “In most cases, using a higher-octane gasoline than your...
Can gasoline that you use in your car cause that gunk build up on the valves like shell says it can in their advertisement on tv?
Is Shell gasoline better? WHY SHOULD YOU USE SHELL GASOLINE? All grades of Shell Gasoline provide unsurpassed protection against gunk. ... Shell Gasol...
Does premium gas extend the life of a car?
Does premium gas prolong engine life? Using premium gasoline in a vehicle that is designed to burn regular 87 octane fuel does not extend designed eng...
What kind of gas to use in 94 Chevy silverado 5.7 engine?
What kind of gas does a Chevy 1500 take? The Chevy Silverado takes octane 87 unleaded gas. It can run on premium gas, which is octane 91, but it will ...
What happens if low octane in fuel?
What happens if I use a lower octane fuel? Using a lower octane fuel than required can cause the engine to run poorly and can damage the engine and em...