
Možete li obnoviti svoj superpunjač?
Koliko često trebam obnavljati svoj kompresor? Ako ste rekonstruirali kompresor između 2009. i 2011., obnovite ga prije 100 sati. Ako se obnovi nakon ...
What is more fuel efficient A supercharger or turbocharger?
Does supercharger reduce fuel economy? Answer Although roots superchargers have significant parasitic load and do dramatically decrease fuel economy, ...
How can you build a super charger for your 3 hp Briggs and stratton?
Can you fit a supercharger to any engine? So the answer is yes, you can install an aftermarket supercharger to any car . You need to be sure your cars...
Can you install supercharger to any car?
Can you install a supercharger on any car? Can you turbocharge or supercharge any car engine? Yes, you can, you can add an aftermarket supercharger sy...
How can you make your truck sound supercharged?
How can I make my truck sound supercharged? “But, nobody has tried to direct that whine” from inside the supercharger to the cabin, he said. It took F...
Does anyone make a supercharger kit for the Mark VIII?
Can you put a supercharger on any engine? Can you turbocharge or supercharge any car engine? Yes, you can, you can add an aftermarket supercharger sys...
How do you fit a supercharger to a car?
Can a supercharger be installed on any car? Can you turbocharge or supercharge any car engine? Yes, you can, you can add an aftermarket supercharger s...
Are there any decent supercharger kits out for this car?
What is the best brand of supercharger? The centrifugal superchargers look like a turbo and act like a turbo, but are belt driven by the crankshaft. T...
Supercharger on the 3800 motor rattles?
Why is my supercharger rattling? The clicking or rattling noise is caused by an uneven engine idle or surge which creates torsional vibrations that ar...
Što zamjenjuje kompresor?
Koja je glavna svrha kompresora? kompresor, u klipnim motorima s unutarnjim izgaranjem, zračni kompresor ili puhalo koji se koristi za povećanje tlaka...
Koliko košta centrifugalni kompresor?
Isplate li se centrifugalni kompresori? Općenito, centrifugalni kompresori izvrstan su način za povećanje performansi motora na pouzdan i zakonit nači...
Što je kompresor u autu?
Što je bolje turbo ili kompresor? Dok je primarni nedostatak turbo motora zaostajanje u pojačanju, kompresor je učinkovitost. Budući da kompresor kori...