
Which goes with a car comes with a car is of no use to a car and yet the car can not go without it?
Where is the car puzzle answer? The answer is 87! What goes up and down without moving? The answer is Stairs. What is black and white and read all ove...
What is useless to a car but it can't go without it?
Where is the car puzzle answer? The answer is 87! What is that which goes with a car comes with a car is of no use to a car and yet the car Cannot go ...
Do you have to sign in to answer questions?
What website can answer my questions? Quora is perhaps one of the best and most popular free websites where you can ask questions to get answers from ...
Što je mozgalica auto u kvadratu?
Koja je najteža mozgalica? Evo zagonetke, izravno iz usta matematičara „Tri boga, A, B i C, nazivaju se, nekim redom, istiniti, lažni i slučajni. Isti...
Zašto mi nitko ne odgovara na pitanja?
Što znači kada vam netko ne odgovori na pitanje? smatraju da je pitanje drsko. jednostavno se ne žele surađivati ​​s vama. postavljali ste im previše ...
Što kao usta ali ne žvače?
Ono što ima usta, a ne može jesti ili žvakati? Stoga je odgovor na zagonetku Boca.„Što ima usta ali ti ne možeš? Dakle, rijeka ima ušće, ali ne može g...