
Što znači pogon za sklapanje automobila?
Što je tvornica za sklapanje automobila? Pogon za montažu je tvornica u kojoj se sastavljaju veliki predmeti kao što su automobili, obično koristeći d...
Are assembly lines still used today?
How does the assembly line affect us today? Most critically, the assembly line cut the amount of time it took to assemble a Model T from 12.5 hours to...
Who adopted the concept of assembly line to produce automobile?
Why did Henry Ford invent the assembly line? Ford was inspired by the meat-packing houses of Chicago and a grain mill conveyor belt he had seen. If he...
The invention of the assembly line made automobiles what?
What was one result of the invention of the automated assembly line? innovative assembly line that allowed workers to stand still while the parts came...
How did the assembly line change manufacturing?
What is the assembly line and how did it change manufacturing? An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which individual parts of a larger produ...
How did the assembly line help America?
How did the assembly line help everyday Americans? As the assembly line spread through American industry, it brought dramatic productivity gains but a...
What year was the assembly line invented?
When was the assembly line invented 1920? On December 1, 1913, Henry Ford installs the first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire...
What happens to a car during the assembly line?
What happens in a car assembly line? In an assembly line, car assembly is split between several stations, all working simultaneously. When a station i...
Zašto se automobilska industrija zove montaža automobila, a ne proizvodnja automobila?
Kako se zove proizvođač automobila? 1. proizvođač automobila - poduzeće koje se bavi proizvodnjom automobila. proizvođač automobila, proizvođač automo...
Kako radi montažna linija?
Što je bila montažna linija i kako je funkcionirala? Montažne linije su proizvodni sustavi u kojima se rad u tijeku kreće od stanice do stanice na sek...
Koji su čimbenici važni tijekom montaže?
Kakav je proces montaže? Proces montaže je način proizvodnje proizvoda gdje se dijelovi ili materijali dodaju u slijedu od strane različitih radnika. ...
The inventor of the automobile assembly line who brought about great changes in American society wa?
Who invented the automobile What was its impact on American society? Henry Ford was a businessman and engineer. He came after Karl Benz, and he revolu...