
How many L1 and Master certified A.S.E. technicians are there in the US?
How many ASE Master certifications are there? There are 52 ASE certification tests, covering almost every imaginable aspect of the automotive repair a...
Kako dobiti ase certifikat?
Što je potrebno za dobivanje ASE certifikata? Kako dobiti ASE certifikat. ASE ispit za certifikaciju dostupan je samo automobilskim tehničarima s dvij...
How do you get license to buy freon?
What certification do I need to buy Freon? A 608 certification is required to purchase R-22, R-410a, R-404a, R-422D, and MO99. For most do-it-yourself...
How do you get r-12 ASE permits?
Is it legal to buy R12? Is it legal for me to sell? Yes, you can still sell R-12 and other CFC refrigerants. Although these refrigerants can no longer...
Možete li još uvijek pronaći posao ako nemate ASE certifikat?
Je li ASE certifikat obavezan? Testiranje nije obvezno i ​​tehničari koji odluče sudjelovati u procesu certifikacije to čine samo kako bi pokazali svo...