
Can you use fart as gasoline?
Can you turn fart gas into a liquid? Farts are methane not propane, so you can't compress it into a liquid. However, you can compress it and have CNG ...
Može li se nadutost koristiti za pogon automobila?
Možete li napajati auto prdećem? U prošlosti smo vidjeli automobile pokretane nekim ludim stvarima. Struja, mast od čipsa, voda, zrak, vodik -- od dan...
Zagađuje li plin koji prolazi kroz zrak?
Zagađujete li zrak kad prdite? Činjenice o nadutosti uključuju Prosječna osoba proizvodi 0.6–1.8 litara crijevnih plinova svaki dan. Agencija za zašti...
Can you fart in your car and use it as gas in your car?
Can you use fart gas for a car? The methane is then harvested and placed in tanks inside the boot of the Beetle, where it can be used to power the car...
Can you fart in a gastank and use it as gas?
Can you use fart gas for a car? The methane is then harvested and placed in tanks inside the boot of the Beetle, where it can be used to power the car...