
What foot do you use in British cars on the accelerator and brake?
Which foot should you use for the accelerator and brake? When accelerating the right foot is used on the accelerator pedal and when braking the right ...
Why should you remove your foot from the accelerated when approaching a stopping point?
What happens when you take your foot off the brake? When you apply the brakes, the brakes apply more force to stop the wheels then the idle engine app...
What leg do you use to drive a car?
What leg do you use for driving? Brake and Acceleration Pedals Drivers are normally trained to use their right legs to access the pedals, while the le...
Why does your car not slow down after you take your foot off the gas?
Why doesn't my car slow down when I take my foot off the gas? In the automatic transmission when the gas pedal is released the engine still slows down...
Možete li voziti auto lijevom nogom?
Je li legalno voziti automatski auto lijevom nogom? Većina vozača automatskih automobila koristi samo desnu nogu za upravljanje papučicom kočnice ili ...
Može li se koristiti 2 stope za pedale u automatskim automobilima?
Možete li koristiti 2 stope dok vozite automatski? Ukratko, ne, ne postoji zakon koji vas sprječava da vozite s obje noge u isto vrijeme. ​Mogu biti t...
Na autu s automatskim pogonom, ako je ručica u pogonu, trebate li nogom pritisnuti kočnicu?
Trebamo li koristiti obje noge u autu s automatikom? Automatski automobili opremljeni su samo s dvije pedale koje uključuju kočnice i gas. ... Najbolj...