
What kind of car does god drive?
What kind of car does Jesus drive? Jesus is believed to be driving an Plymouth “Fury.” Then, read this verse “Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout th...
Kakav su automobil vozili apostoli?
Kakav je to auto bio Isus? Vjeruje se da Isus vozi Plymouth “Fury.” Kakvu vrstu automobila Bog vozi? Čini se da se većina znanstvenika slaže da je Bog...
Koji auto vozi Bog?
Kakav auto vozi Isus? Vjeruje se da Isus vozi Plymouth “Fury.” Zatim pročitajte ovaj stih “Joshuin trijumf se čuo diljem zemlje.” Kad pročitate ovaj o...
What are 2 facts about Christians?
What are the 2 main beliefs of Christianity? Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. The death, descent into he...
What scripture is no one knows the date or the hour when he will return?
Why Jesus did not know the hour? When Jesus spoke in Matthew 2436 and Mark 1330-32, he was both fully God and fully human. It is very reasonable to be...