
Which fly's faster a small plane or a large plane?
Are small planes faster than big planes? It's the same with airplanes smaller planes may be able to move faster, but you'll feel all the bumps. “Becau...
What does a plane run on?
What does aircraft run on? Aviation kerosene is the fuel of choice for aircraft across the globe. Do airplanes run on fuel? Piston-engined aircraft us...
Which makes more pollution boats or planes?
What pollutes more boat or plane? Mile for mile, the carbon footprint for a cruise ship is worse than flying. A cruise liner such as Queen Mary 2 emit...
What gases do planes burn when in flight?
What harmful gases do planes emit? As well as emitting CO 2 from burning fuel, planes affect the concentration of other gases and pollutants in the at...
Kako je John Candy dobio taj crnilo na oku u posljednjim scenama aviona, vlakova i automobila?
Zašto John Candy ima crninu na oku na kraju aviona vlakova automobila? Del ima crne oči pred kraj filma. Iz retka koji je izgovorio Del se implicira d...