
Kada je zabranjeno voziti na ramenu?
Je li vožnja na tvrdom ramenu nezakonita? U većini slučajeva, vožnja na tvrdom ramenu je protuzakonita i policija će vas kazniti. ... Ako vas službeni...
What do I must to do when wheels enter the shoulder?
When your wheels fall to the shoulder of the road a driver should? Explanation If your vehicle's wheels drift off the pavement onto the shoulder, you ...
Can you use the shoulder of the road to pass another vehicle?
Is it legal to use the shoulder to pass or go around other drivers? Riding the shoulder and using the shoulder as a lane… if not an emergency or highw...
Will cable inside door stretch?
How do you run a cable through a doorway? Stick a chain or heavy string through the hole and feed it along behind the wall until you can retrieve it a...
Što znači pojam rame na vozačkom ispitu?
Što ramena znače u vožnji? Opseg autoceste dio je ceste koji izlazi izvan vanjske trake i namijenjen je prometu u slučaju nužde. ... Samo vozila hitne...