
State the three types of spring used on light vehicles?
What are the types of springs used in vehicles? Modern springing systems are based on four basic designs. Get to know these four spring classes leaf s...
Will helper springs raise the height of a pickup?
Do helper leaf springs lift my truck? Will Helper Springs Lift My Truck? No, helper springs are not designed to lift your truck, but they are designed...
Can lowering springs cause bounce?
Do lowering springs bouncy? no. Springs don't cause a bouncy ride. Improperly matched shocks do. A shock isdesigned to dampen a spring when it compres...
Can you reinstall the coil spring back on the the strut bye bolting the strut back in place on the car and jacking the car down then putting bolt back on the strut mount?
Can you reuse Springs on struts? It's not necessary, but it's usually recommended to replace them in pairs, for example, both front struts or both rea...
How do springs in a car absorb energy?
How do springs absorb energy? Animation Compression springs are designed to absorb forces by squeezing together. Tension springs work the opposite way...
If your new coil springs making your car sit high should you cut a coil?
Can I cut my coil springs to lower my car? The first thing you need to know is that cutting a coil spring will not only lower the vehicle, but it will...
Why does your front end of your truck lean to the left?
Why does my truck look like it's leaning to one side? A car that is leaning to one side is almost always experiencing an issue with the shocks, spring...
Što može uzrokovati praćenje u ovjesu stražnjih lisnatih opruga?
Koji su simptomi loših čahura lisnatih opruga? Poput lisnatih opruga, one pomažu apsorbirati udarce i pritisak uzrokovane savijanjem lisnatih i zavojn...
Zašto zamijeniti stražnje opruge u automobilu?
Treba li zamijeniti opruge u autu? Opruge obično traju dugo, a u nekim slučajevima mogu trajati čak i cijeli životni vijek vozila. Međutim, to ne znač...
Možete li ugraditi zavojnu oprugu na automobil tako da je spustite na mjesto podizanjem automobila?
Možete li spustiti auto? Postoji nekoliko načina da se karoserija vozila vrati na izvornu visinu obnova opruga, ugradnja blokova za podizanje ili doda...
Zašto automobili imaju opruge?
Koja je svrha opruga u autu? Opruge u sustavu ovjesa vašeg vozila rade s vašim podupiračima i amortizerima kako bi apsorbirali udarce s ceste, poduprl...