
What will win in a race a supra or 3000GT?
What car can beat Supra? 1. BMW Z4 M40i. Toyota has had a big helping hand from BMW in making the Supra and as a result, the Toyota shares most of its...
What would cause a engine fire in a 1991 Toyota turbo supra?
Why is Toyota Supra banned in US? The illegal Supra The 1994 Toyota Supra model was banned by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration becau...
What car maker makes the Supra?
Who makes the Supra car? Toyota launched the Supra in 1978 as a high-performance version of its Celica sports car. The Celica Supra coupe featured an ...
Kako zamijeniti non turbo supra u turbo?
Koliko košta Turbo a supra? Procjena troškova zamjene sklopa turbopunjača Toyota Supra. Troškovi rada procjenjuju se između 426 i 537 dolara, dok su d...
Tko bi u utrci pobijedio izvan tvorničke supra ili izvan tvorničkog punjača?
Je li Supra brža od Mustanga? Na probnoj stazi Supra je dostigla 60 mph za samo 3.9 sekundi, udarajući Mustanga za tri desetinke. ... Oba automobila z...