
Which company's tag line is Beyond ordinary?
What is the tagline of Coca-Cola? Coke's new ad campaign uses the slogan Taste the Feeling. Coke needs to step up its marketing in the face of declini...
Which company or product has the tagline fun fast easy?
Which companies use these taglines just do it? Nike “Just do it.” Coined by one of the company's advertising agencies back in 1988, this slogan is ext...
Born to Perform - is tag line for which brand?
What is a tagline for a brand? In the context of branding, a tagline is a memorable motto or phrase that's designed to serve as a permanent expression...
Which company sported the tagline - Way of Life?
Which company tagline is ideas for life? Panasonic popular business slogan “Ideas for Life” defines company product range and circulate the message “w...
Slogan koje tvrtke osnažuje siromašne?
Koji je slogan tvrtke Apple? Slogan Think different kreirao je Craig Tanimoto, umjetnički direktor u Chiat\Day, koji je također pridonio početnom konc...
Oznake 100 najboljih tvrtki u Indiji?
Koji je slogan Indije? Kao što znamo, baš kao što indijski turizam ima slogan “Nevjerojatna Indija!” uz slogan “Atithi Devo Bhava”, države imaju slobo...
Više automobila po automobilu ključna je linija koje marke?
Koji je slogan Toyote? Let's Go Places je verbalni izraz koji prikazuje bit marke Toyota. To je trajni duh koji inspirira ljude da žive život punim pl...