
Are there subways in Venice?
Are there any trains in Venice? The only railway station on Venice's main island is Venezia Santa Lucia. To step out of Venice Santa Lucia station and...
Why aren't there cars in Venice Italy?
Why are cars not used in Venice? The way Venice is built with its many many staired bridges over the canals, does not allow any kind of wheels. ... Th...
Why would you not see any cars if you went to Venice?
Why are there no cars in Venice? The way Venice is built with its many many staired bridges over the canals, does not allow any kind of wheels. So no ...
Where to park a car in Venice?
Where do Venetians park their cars? We have two complimentary parking garages. The Venetian parking garage is located behind the hotel and can be acce...
Ima li uopće automobila u Veneciji u Italiji?
Imaju li ljudi automobile u Veneciji Italija? Automobili su u Veneciji strogo zabranjeni, činjenica koja bi trebala biti očigledna s obzirom na famozn...
Kolika je udaljenost u miljama od Venecije Italije do Verone Italije?
Je li Verona bolja od Venecije? Venecija može biti neugodno pretrpana i precijenjena, a tamošnji putnici teško će pronaći autentičnost usred toliko ma...
Što radiš s autom kad ideš u Veneciju?
Što radiš sa svojim autom u Veneciji? Auto možete parkirati na Porta Gialla ili Yellow Gate za oko 5 € po danu i uhvatiti tramvaj, autobus ili brod do...